
PRN | VB [as]

arriver; venir; revenir ; résulter ; se présenter; lui, à lui

to arrive; to come; to recover ; to result; him, his

وصل ؛ أتي؛ له

Flexions as

ittasen taseḍ nettas ttaseɣ usin usant tusa asemt nas ttasen yettas ttas tusi tusam usiɣ yettasen aseɣ tettas ttasemt tusimt usan yusa aset tas tettasemt tettaseḍ usint yusi nusa yusan tasemt ttasent ittas ttaset nusi tusamt as tusiḍ yas

Sources as

  • BOUAMARA Kamel, Issin : Asegzawal n teqbaylit s teqbaylit, Editions l'Odyssée, Tizi-Ouzou, 2010
  • J.-M. Dallet, Dictionnaire Kabyle-Français (parler des At Mengellat Algérie) , Selaf Paris, 1982

Phrases avec le mot as

Ilaq-aɣ ad as d naf ixf-is !
[ Agellid n times | 2006 | Amar U Lamara ]

Acuddu ur as tessin ara .
[ Agellid n times | 2006 | Amar U Lamara ]

Ad as tiniḍ d aɛekkaz neɣ d timseggeft i kkaten warrac nneɣ mačči d abarud !
[ Agellid n times | 2006 | Amar U Lamara ]

Wecrif yemmured s leḥder ɣer Lḥusin, yenna-yas gguman ad ruḥen yid-s yerfiqen-is .
[ Agellid n times | 2006 | Amar U Lamara ]
